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李少白、郭宬联展 个人影展
One is a heroic north man, and the other is a typical south madam. One is a set of open and mysterious Beijing Forbidden City, the other is a set of graceful and elegant charm of southern Anhui. When these two different styles meet,which will they bring visual shock to viewers? Group exhibition of the Forbidden City and Southern Anhui will give us an answer.

Shaobai Li., male, is a famous photographer who was born in Chongqing in 1942. He studied football in Beijing Institute of Physical Education and was graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as a radio technology major. He was appointed as the editor of many magazines such as Popular Photography, China Photography and Photography and Video. He was also a visiting professor at Institute of Modern Graphic Arts of Minzu University of China. Shaobai Li is a famous photographer who insists on presenting Chinese traditional architectural complex from the perspective of humanism. He has published several picture albums such as Photo Collection of Shaobai Li, The Mysterious Forbidden City, The Magnificent Great Wall, Go to the Forbidden City, Simatai Great Wall, the Greatest One in China, The Beauty of Great Wall, The Invisible Forbidden City, The Invisible Great Wall, which are considered as influential works with a special point of view. His works about Forbidden City and Great Wall have been exhibited in many countries such as France, German, Japan, Estonia, Switzerland, the United States as well as Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan and other cities.

郭 宬,女,摄影师、策展人。尚图坊影像艺术工作室艺术顾问,国际摄影评委,国际影赛专家,国际摄影家联盟中国国际代表,英国皇家摄影学会中国尚图坊分会会长,纽约摄影学会浙江国际代表,国际摄影学会副主席,中国摄影家协会、美国摄影学会会员。其创作的作品婉约、简约而唯美,先后获得国际、国家级奖项400多项,包揽美国摄影学会和国际摄联金、银、铜牌,三百多幅摄影作品分别入选美国、英国、法国、奥地利、意大利等几十个国家的国际摄影沙龙和展览;2010年度步入美国摄影学会年度“Who's Who”排名旅游组世界第16位,并荣膺纽约摄影学会荣誉会员;先后担任2012、2013年奥赛国际评委,以及乌克兰、希腊等国家的国际影赛评委。活跃于中国各大摄影节,先后策划展览在中国平遥国际摄影大展、丽水摄影文化节、中国青海国际摄影节、中国黄山黟县摄影大展等诸多摄影节上展出并获奖。近年涉足跨国摄影交流及策展领域,出任2013“美丽国家”中国-乌克兰-俄罗斯三国摄影艺术交流展和“风从东方来”中美摄影文化交流周中国区域艺术总监。著有《视•界——国际摄影大赛获奖秘籍》。摄影师、策展人。尚图坊影像艺术工作室艺术顾问,国际摄影评委,国际影赛专家,国际摄影家联盟中国国际代表,英国皇家摄影学会中国尚图坊分会会长,纽约摄影学会浙江国际代表,国际摄影学会副主席,中国摄影家协会、美国摄影学会会员。其创作的作品婉约、简约而唯美,先后获得国际、国家级奖项400多项,包揽美国摄影学会和国际摄联金、银、铜牌,三百多幅摄影作品分别入选美国、英国、法国、奥地利、意大利等几十个国家的国际摄影沙龙和展览;2010年度步入美国摄影学会年度“Who's Who”排名旅游组世界第16位,并荣膺纽约摄影学会荣誉会员;先后担任2012、2013年奥赛国际评委,以及乌克兰、希腊等国家的国际影赛评委。活跃于中国各大摄影节,先后策划展览在中国平遥国际摄影大展、丽水摄影文化节、中国青海国际摄影节、中国黄山黟县摄影大展等诸多摄影节上展出并获奖。近年涉足跨国摄影交流及策展领域,出任2013“美丽国家”中国-乌克兰-俄罗斯三国摄影艺术交流展和“风从东方来”中美摄影文化交流周中国区域艺术总监。著有《视•界——国际摄影大赛获奖秘籍》。
Jing Guo, female
Photographer and curator
Art Director of Shangtuf Image and Art Club
Judge and expert of International Photography Competitions,
International representative of UPI
Branch president in China of RPS
International representative in Zhejiang, China of PSNY
Vice chairman of International Photography Association
Member of China Photographers Association
Member of PSA
Her works are characterized by simple, elegant and graceful style. She has awarded more than 400 prices in photographic competitions both at home and abroad, including the golden, silver and bronze medals in Photographic Society of America (PSA) and (FIAP). More than 300 works of her have been accepted by dozens of different international photographic competitions and photography salons, such as those from United States, United Kingdom, France, Austria and Italy etc. In 2010, she has been rated at the place of 16 at PSA Who's Who in the section of travel and has also been appointed as the honorary member of the Photographic Society of New York. She has also served as the judge of Trierenberg Super Circuit of Austria in 2012, 2013, as well as the judge of those international photographic competitions in Ukraine and Greece. She enjoyed and awarded in the Chinese each photography festival, and successively planned all kinds of exhibitions, such as China Pingyao International Photography Festival, Lishui Photography Cultural Festival, Chinese international photography Festival in Qinghai, Mountain Huang on display in Yi county Photography Festival, and many other photography festivals.

Recently, she set foot in transnational exchange of photography curatorial areas. She has been appointed as the art director in China of “Beautiful Countries: China, Russia, Ukraine” international Photographic Art Exchange Exhibition 2013 and the art director of Sino-US Photographic Art exchange week 2013. Her book Top Secrets of Award-Winning photography is the only comprehensive photographic book which introduces the international photographic competitions and those awarded works as well as the useful skills in China.

The exhibition displayed at 2013 Yixian County International Photography Festival of China, and the curator is Guo Jing,Shangtuf Image and Art Club is the supplier.
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