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乌克兰Yuriy Titovets《利沃夫分离派的气息》 个人影展
The photo project "Breath of Lviv secession"

Well remembering and interpreting the past, we can better understand the present and realize themselves in this world.

Plunging into the past and forming in his mind to some extent adapted reconstruction, we are able to harmonize its perception of the world in the plane of respectful attitude to the eternal human values.

The idea of historical reproduction of Lviv secession arose in me a few years ago. A unique collection of vintage dresses of Mrs.Marina Ivanova inspired on the implementation of this photo project.

The project created on positive emotional excitement. Therefore, the work was held easily and naturally. We all had a chance to experience the romance of the era of secession. At some point there was relief from the problems of the present, a cleaning from the everyday hassle and filling in the soul nobleness and sophistication.

This was a "moment of truth" ...
This is an impressive display of one of the backstage evening parties for which Lviv was famous in the late 19th century.
This is a brisk discussion of fashion novelties from Paris
This is an exciting re-reading of interesting books from all over Europe
This is an opportunity to play a new melody from Vienna
This is the flavor of the Italian wine, seasoned with a zest of new Lviv gossip
This is the stormy life, full of emotions, intrigue, worry, joy and everlasting love ...

Yuriy Titovets个人简介
塞浦路斯人民外交“欧洲乌克兰”国际外交团办事处领导,非政府组织加利西亚俱乐部 «ІNTEGRATION»创始人和主席, 利沃夫有名的医师之一,乌克兰最佳诊所之一的创始人,慈善家,在利沃夫地区捐助了许多社会和健康项目,是很多科学和新闻出版物的作者,乌克兰记者联盟会成员,是国际影艺联盟的一员-2041IL FIA,Photo Gallery «PROSTIR»的创始人。
众所周知,Yuriy Titovets’ Photo Gallery «PROSTIR»是一个多样图片艺术项目的组织者,不仅是在乌克兰,也在全世界范围内(www.galleryprostir.com)。活动是从2006年开始,现在已经持续八年了。年度国际沙龙“关爱妇女” 摄影艺术巡回在主要的国际摄影组织下认证。其中Yuriy Titovets比较亮点的艺术和展览是主题和旅游艺术照片项目:«锡比乌城市和人们» (2008), «利沃夫和利沃夫的女人» (2009), «女人香» (2010), «威尼斯-浪漫城市» (2011), «利沃夫分裂时期的气息» (2012), 和中国尚图坊俱乐部组织了大规模的国际项目“美丽国家”中国-乌克兰-俄罗斯三国联展。
Dr.Yuriy Titovets _personal introduction_August 2013
Dr. Yuriy Titovets – Head of Representative office of International Diplomatic Mission of the People's Diplomacy «EUROPEAN UKRAINE» in Republic of Cyprus, public activist, Founder and Chairman of the NGO "Galician Club «ІNTEGRATION», a famous Physician of Lviv, the Founder of one of the best Clinics in Ukraine, Philanthropist, Benefactor of many social and health projects in Lviv region, the author of numerous scientific and journalistic publications, a Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. Photo Artist, a Member of the International Federation of Art Photography – 2041IL FIAP, the Founder of Photo Gallery «PROSTIR».

Yuriy Titovets’ Photo Gallery «PROSTIR» is well known as an organizer of various photo Art projects not only in Ukraine but also in the world (www.galleryprostir.com). “Visiting card” of Photo Galleries activity is the organizing and conducting during the 8 years, since 2006 - the annual International Salon - Circuit of Art Photography «With Love to Women» under the patronage of the leading international photography federations. One of the «highlights» of art and exhibition activity of Yuriy Titovets are thematic and travel Art photo projects: «Sibiu. City and People» (2008), «Lviv and Lviv’s Women» (2009), «Scent of a Woman» (2010), «Venice – romantic city» (2011), «Breath of Lviv’s Secession» (2012), as well the organizing of widescale international project «Beautiful Countries: China, Russia, Ukraine» (2013) together with Shangtuf Image & Art Club, China.

The exhibition displayed at 2013 Yixian County International Photography Festival of China, and the curator is Guo Jing,Shangtuf Image and Art Club is the supplier.
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