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希腊Metzakis Manolis《画家格列柯》 个人影展
About the photos of the exhibition

In 2006 and 2007, a friend director, shot a film about the life of the painter El-Greco. He asked me to be the photographer of the film. So, I was present at the shootings and had the opportunity to shoot a lot of photos. But the greatest thing about it was that I was given the chance, at the intervals between shootings to use the actors and the extras as well as the studios, the lights and thus be able to stage my photos such as those that you can see at the exhibition.

El Greco is a Greek biographical film about the life of the Greek painter of the Spanish Renaissance. He is a great Greek artist of the 16th century with an uncompromising character, who sets off from his homeland Crete and goes to Venice and finally Toledo, in search of freedom and love. There he is confronted by his greatest adversary, the Spanish Inquisition, but his creative consciousness and power make him stand out and overcome barbarity and ignorance.

It is my pleasure to completely record the El Greco. It is not only a film, but also represents innovation and power in Greece which I would like to pass on all of you through my work. We need this innovation and power in the past, present and future.

The shooting of the film have been a great experience and an unexpected change for me. I select 20 of my works and hope them can pass on all of you a creative consciousness and power.

Metzakis Manolis,国际摄影家联盟(UPI)主席,希腊克里特岛摄影学会主席。分别获国际影艺联盟(FIAP)ESFIAP头衔、美国摄影学会(PSA) “双星”摄影师头衔,以及国际摄影家联盟(UPI)UPI ZEUS头衔。在希腊、罗马尼亚、乌克兰、意大利、瑞士等十几个国家举办过个展,先后担任多个国家的国际影赛评委,十多幅作品被加泰罗尼亚摄影博物馆和EL-GRECO博物馆收藏。先后在伊拉克利翁工研院、克里特岛大学、伊拉克利翁高等教育技术研究所担任艺术摄影导师。
Metzakis Manolis
President of United Photographers International (UPI)
President of the Hellenic Photographic Society of Crete
Won the title with ESFIAP, 'Double Star' photographer of Photographic Society of America(PSA) andUPI ZEUS
He has had a lot of personal exhibitions in Greece (Iraklio, Athens, Rodos, Santorin, Preveza, Neapoli) and abroad ( Romania, Tirgu Mures, Oradea, Ukraine, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland and Belgium).The photographic museum of Catalonia and museum of EL-GRECO have in their collections fine art photographs (7 and 5 each) of his. He was teaching fine art photography in IEK of Iraklion for four years and in University of Crete for three years.He has been employed by the Technical Institute of Higher Education of Iraklion since September 2000, where he teaches Fine Art Photography and Biomathematics.

The exhibition displayed at 2013 Yixian County International Photography Festival of China, and the curator is Guo Jing,Shangtuf Image and Art Club is the supplier.

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